Introducing yourself to the Judges.

      When you're at a tournament and the judges call your name the first thing you do is stand up and turn around. You fix your Gi and Belt to make sure you're presentable to the Judges. After that, you turn back around and walk down the line you're in and make sharp turns until you're in the middle of the ring, so you're facing the judges directly... and then bow into the ring showing respect for everyone and the ring itself. You walk up with good posture until you're as close as you would like to be, and then you bow directly to the judges. And then get into a formal horse stance and say..."Judges, my name is Chloe L. I study kenpo karate at Northwest Martial Arts. My instructor is Professor Sifu Alan Myrtle, today I will be performing Long Form 2 and Short Form 3 combined, with your permission, may I begin?" After that the judges will nod and and say yes and then you may start your form.

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It has been a while.

Hey everyone, I doubt that anyone even is paying attention to these anymore but I stumbled across my old blog and remembered that I had said...